NMA Building, Siddhi Sadan, Exhibition Road, Kathmandu, Nepal
+977-01-5325860, 5331646

Association of Spine Surgeons of Nepal

The need to bring all surgeons who are practicing spine surgery in Nepal to a common forum, led us to form the Association of Spine Surgeons of Nepal (ASSN). After much discussions and consultations with all flag bearers of Nepal Orthopaedic Association, the official inauguration of ASSN was done on July 13, 2012.


History of ASSN

The need to bring all surgeons who are practicing spine surgery in Nepal to a common forum, led us to form the Association of Spine Surgeons of Nepal (ASSN). After much discussions and consultations with all flag bearers of Nepal Orthopaedic Association, the official inauguration of ASSN was done on July 13, 2012. All the dignitaries felt that super specialty in all fields of orthopaedic surgery was the need of the hour and congratulated ASSN for being the first to head in this direction.

Prof. LL Shah and Prof AR Bajracharya, our two national patrons were pioneers in spine surgery in Nepal and their talks on struggle and establishment were great inspiration for all our junior colleagues.


Message From President

Greetings to all the members the Association of Spine Surgeons of Nepal (ASSN) The spine surgery has gained remarkable progress in Nepal in academics, training and clinical services in recent 10 years. The vision and the strong foundation put forward by seniors has significantly contributed to this success and it will be ongoing source of motivation for additional achievement and hard effort for all of us in future, as well.  Nepal has a unique social, geographic and economical challenges of delivering uniform high-quality health care services throughout the country. Spine surgery-related services likewise are not an exception. We need to establish better opportunities both inside and outside country to train our colleagues so that they can play leadership role in spine-related services in different part of the country. At the same time, we need to work hard to keep ourselves familiar with the recent inventions and practices in international arena. For next two years, ASSN will look at every feasible option for organized and structured training and academic activities. We will develop a clear roadmap for days ahead. Instead of didactic lectures, the emphasis will be on hands on skill transfer activities.  A lot of effort will be put forward for our members not only a become better surgeon but also efficient educators for next generation of spine surgeons.  The current executive committee’s top object...

Message From General Secretary

Dear ASSN Members   Namaste!   At the outset, let me express my gratitude to all the seniors who have served as General Secretary in our prestigious association. To my colleagues and the younger generation of spine surgeons, thank you for the responsibility you have placed on my shoulders, I will not fail you! Since the last few years, we have established ourselves as the premier society in spine education throughout the country through our courses and public awareness campaigns. Our annual conferences have helped us in spreading our wings internationally. Our members are being recognized as faculty in international spine courses and forums. We now have tie-ups in various formats with different associations which have benefitted our young spine surgeons securing training and fellowships. The obvious step would be to continue these programs and secure further collaboration with more societies. Our focus now should be on advocacy and engaging with various stakeholders in increasing public awareness on spine ailments and prevention strategy especially on spinal cord injury and pediatric deformities. Lobbying for establishmen...


Message From Scientific Chair

Dear Spine SurgeonsI would like to express my gratitude to all the executive committee members for nominating me as theChair of the scientific committee of the Association of Spine Surgeons of Nepal (ASSN). Despite thepandemic, academic activities of ASSN had continued in various forms. With waning of the COVIDsituation, we are now back to our physical and face to face academic events. The following two years of my tenure will comprise various levels of academia throughout the country.Spine courses will be held in each province depending on the need of the local surgeons. ASSN academiccalendar for 2023-2024 will soon be published in our webpage. As a first, ASSN will organize a two daybasic spine course for the orthopedic trainees and spine fellows. This event will feature approach baseddisease management, long and short case presentation by the trainees, spine x-rays, orthosis,instrument discussions and followed by lectures the second day. The aim of the basic spine course is tocreate a uniform spine learning amongst the orthopedic trainees in the country irrespective of theuniversity or hospital the trainees are based in. A masters and advanced level course will also be organized in each calendar year for the surgeons. Thebasic, masters and advanced level courses will be held in Kathmandu. I believe that our success will bebased on strong academic programs.I take this responsibility as an opportunity to further ASSN academia and disseminate basic to advancedlevel s...

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