Message From Scientific Chair
Dear Spine SurgeonsI would like to express my gratitude to all the executive committee members for nominating me as theChair of the scientific committee of the Association of Spine Surgeons of Nepal (ASSN). Despite thepandemic, academic activities of ASSN had continued in various forms. With waning of the COVIDsituation, we are now back to our physical and face to face academic events.
The following two years of my tenure will comprise various levels of academia throughout the country.Spine courses will be held in each province depending on the need of the local surgeons. ASSN academiccalendar for 2023-2024 will soon be published in our webpage. As a first, ASSN will organize a two daybasic spine course for the orthopedic trainees and spine fellows. This event will feature approach baseddisease management, long and short case presentation by the trainees, spine x-rays, orthosis,instrument discussions and followed by lectures the second day. The aim of the basic spine course is tocreate a uniform spine learning amongst the orthopedic trainees in the country irrespective of theuniversity or hospital the trainees are based in.
A masters and advanced level course will also be organized in each calendar year for the surgeons. Thebasic, masters and advanced level courses will be held in Kathmandu. I believe that our success will bebased on strong academic programs.I take this responsibility as an opportunity to further ASSN academia and disseminate basic to advancedlevel s...